SilkOcean is a spin-out of Ph.D. projects by students of AAU, DTU, and Chalmers specialized in Power Electronics design and Condition Based Monitoring solutions.
At SilkOcean, we are focused on the introduction of chemical-free, zero-emission sustainable solutions. Our ideas and designs have been recognized and rewarded by business leaders and innovation sponsors, and foundations.
Our team consists of highly educated and, at the same time, very industrial experienced members who at the same time value the friendly and fun working environment. We believe that doing our jobs in a distinctly innovative way is the key to our success.
SilkOcean ApS
Fredrik Bajers Vej 300 – 9220 Aalborg Øst
CEO & Co-founder Afshin Loghmani Moghaddam Toussi
Phone: +45 25 14 59 83